Listening to music Planning trips/vacations Playing cards
Taking a walk Re-decorating your home Taking a nap
Knitting/sewing Playing pool or billiards Giving gifts
Playing golf Take a bath or shower Watch a Ted Talk
Fishing Playing chess or checkers Go to the beach
Reading Making crafts to give away Volunteer
Take a cooking class Gardening or landscaping Helping someone
Create a family chat Go to a museum Hiking
Writing a letter Learning to do something new Write poetry
Playing cards Playing in a musical group Hearing jokes
Painting Meeting new people Acting
Playing tennis Drive to the mountains Have coffee or tea
Gardening Doing housework/chores Play Frisbee
Boating Preparing a new healthy recipe Go camping
Doing a crossword Call a friend to go out Go to the library
Watching a movie Hosting a party or “get together” Play with pets
Going to church Going to auctions/garage sales Coaching a sport
Visiting friends Find new Apps Budgeting time
Playing board games Reorganizing a room/closet Post items for sale
Dancing Talking about old times Doing a job well
Woodworking Buying things for myself Go paintballing
Exercising (general) Create a website/blog Daydreaming
Going for a drive Feed ducks at a lake Watch You Tube
Riding a bike Going to church functions Stream or Rent a movie
Horseback riding Make a scrapbook Visiting family
Thrift store shopping Go to a spa or health club Get a massage
Playing an instrument Have your hair styled/cut Go to a toy store
Go to yard/estate sales Visiting people who are elderly Shop on line
Camping Scavenger Hunt Work on finances
Bird watching Start a new collection/hobby Do a puzzle
Going to a sports event Combing or brushing your hair Go to a bookstore
Shopping in general Download new playlist Play dominos
Working with computer Go to an outlet mall Go for a swim
Manicure/Pedicure Light some candles and relax Buy a pet or a fish
Singing/karaoke Going to school reunions Dating Apps (be careful!)
Watching t.v. Meditating or doing yoga Pottery class
Ceramics Go bungee jumping Walking barefoot
Photography Go white water rafting Play frisbee
Going to a concert Giving massages or backrubs Just relax alone!